Bridge View

8 Responses to “Bridge View”

  1. Simone says:

    Wow, amazing and creative shot – love the view of the bridge through the ironwork (reminds me of the sun!) and the pop of blue through the spokes/slats. As always, you have an excellent eye.

  2. Jan says:

    I am amazed at the clarity of both of your subjects, both near and far!

  3. Bevy says:

    I see a sunflower in the blue sky
    With lines of seeds in the middle.
    Nature prevails, even when it is all man made

  4. Carolyn says:

    I love this beautiful and very interesting photograph. It appears very art deco like to me. Great capture!

  5. Bruce says:

    What a powerful image, Ellen! There is a surreal quality to it. The metal in the foreground echoes the bridge in the distance. Well done!

  6. Karen says:

    Wow! You are the queen of framing the shot and seeing the city with fresh eyes!

  7. ellen says:

    Haha! Thanks Karen. Getting more and more difficult to see anything with fresh eyes. I think I need to move 😉

  8. Jacqueline says:

    Wow, what a unique framing of the bridge! It’s amazing how you find views never before seen. And the slivers of blue sky bring it to life.

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