January Lily


9 Responses to “January Lily”

  1. bevy says:

    Ah, Lily. So sweet!!!!

  2. Anne says:

    Glorious and symbolic!

  3. Simone says:

    I’m an especially big fan of this beautiful flower 🙂 I love the curve of the petals and leaves reaching ever-outward! Thank you for capturing such a lovely image.

  4. Bruce says:

    Georgia O’Keefe would be proud of this photograph, Ellen. Love the delicate details. Great shot!

  5. Jacqueline says:

    A perfect shot of a perfect flower! I love the composition.

  6. Bernice says:

    So beautiful, it looks like a painting. Is the blue (sky) background imaginary or real?

  7. ellen says:

    The blue background is indeed the sky.

  8. Karen says:

    One of my favorite flowers, I can smell its fragrance looking at this photograph

  9. Jan says:

    Ah, the January Lily! Amazing photo, the color and clarity are exquisite! It looks like this belongs on a tile.

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