
What would you title this photograph?


13 Responses to “Untitled”

  1. Thom says:

    Multum in parvo! You always seem to make us all see so very much in the simplest of things. This feels like a stunningly interesting Japanese etching to me. Beautiful!

  2. Arlene says:

    Rorschach tapestry. I see partial faces everywhere

  3. Bevy says:

    This looks like a Chinese Ink painting which through simple, gentle ink wisps, portrays objects of nature such as a lotus flower. In this case it looks like a wheat field. I would entitle it; “Wisps of Wheat”

  4. Bruce says:

    What a cool photograph, Ellen! I had to Google “Multum in parvo” from Thom’s comment but do agree with him. As for a title, my suggestion is abstract to match the image: “Positive/Negative.”

  5. Simone says:

    Linear Luminaries! How’s that for alliteration? 🙂 I’m drawn to the stark lines and the white light saturating the photo. Reminds me of something from a dream – hazy – where you can barely make out the outlines in your mind as you wake up the next morning. Fascinating and thanks for the fun challenge!

  6. Carole says:

    Reticulated Reeds…I’d frame this one! So many underlying stories.

  7. Michelle says:

    This reminds me of a linoleum block print. I love the sunlight drowning out most everything. Calming reeds.

  8. Jan M says:

    I like the black and white and what ever else you did.

  9. anne says:

    Wisps of Winter. I love it. Abstract painting material!

  10. Karen says:

    Gorgeous black and white abstraction.

  11. Bernice says:

    Painting or Photography? It certainly looks like a pen and ink drawing of reeds or willows on a windy day. Very striking and unique approach to the subject!

  12. ellen says:

    Thank you everyone for your comments and your creative titles. This was definitely a photograph, but Anne you are welcome to paint it. It was actually a closeup of reeds surrounded by a frozen river. When highly overexposed, all that what left were the lines of the reeds and the stark white background. Glad you liked!

  13. Cheryl says:

    As you know from my previous comments, I particularly enjoy your abstract style photographs. You have a particular talent for seeing the abstract framework of everyday scenes. It is fascinating to think of the multi-layered reality that surrounds us. Thanks for opening our eyes to it.

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