Follow The Leader

At George’s Island Park, Montrose NY

9 Responses to “Follow The Leader”

  1. Marty says:

    That’s one of the pictures I want in my calendar which always hangs in a place of honor in my office for the coming year! Great shot!

  2. Simone says:

    This is so wonderful! I love the different lines – the birds, the horizon, the poles, the docks. Excellent job, Ellen!

  3. Bevy says:

    Adorable! It looks like the last two fine feathered friends are checking out the 5 mph speed limit sign. Stay in line and don’t speed!

  4. Karen says:

    Marching together, each to his/her own drummer.

  5. Rae says:

    I love how relaxed this shot feels. The little feet on some of the geese in mid-stride remind me of the Beatles cover for Abbey Road, especially those passing the painted dock. What a cute shot!

  6. Anne says:

    This is so whimsical! My eye followed the strong lines of the docks and the horizon before it caught the ducks.

  7. Bernice says:

    Beautiful colors (Vermeer’s blues and yellow) and delightful implied narrative. Those cute little ducks strolling along the foreground bring a smile to my face, but the composition is as sophisticated as the ducks are cute. What a lovely summer day!

  8. Mary Jane says:

    Perfect! They are just like my family. Oh, wait, they are way too organized-a girl can dream! Love it!

  9. ellen says:

    Thanks everyone. I may just be a city girl, but I’m almost certain these were geese!

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