I Love A Parade

Happy Thanksgiving!


8 Responses to “I Love A Parade”

  1. Bernice says:

    How lucky you were to see the parade far from the madding crowd. It’s scary down there – so packed, it looks like a patchwork quilt with wide white stripes.

  2. Jan says:

    Happy Thanksgivukkah everyone! What a wonderful perspective. Thank you for always providing an interesting view for us fans!

  3. Audra says:

    I like how the negative space is where things are happening here. So many people! Happy Thanksgiving!

  4. Simone says:

    Love the people through the pillars! Classic Ellen. Well done!

  5. Beverly says:

    “PEOPLE THROUGH PILLARS” – What an amazing shot. The proportion: the grandeur of the pillars, the “tiny” people filling in all the spaces. What a reversal of importance… I love it! I love! I love it!

  6. ellen says:

    Glad you like. And I love its new title!

  7. Tamara says:

    I love this! It’s a classic, mind-bending abstract. I love this POV and the sense of composition. Excellent shot!

  8. Cheryl says:

    It took me a few seconds to recognize what I was looking at. It reminds me of the optical illusion where the outlines of a goblet turn into the profiles of two people. Did you take this picture with creating an optical illusion in mind? I love photos that are surprising. You are wonderful at coming up with unique views of things.

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