Late Summer’s Eve

7 Responses to “Late Summer’s Eve”

  1. Jacqueline says:

    I love the colors of the late-day light shining through the curtains, balanced by the striking silhouette of the vase with flowers. Thanks for the image!

  2. Bevy says:

    It is night
    But not quite…..
    Summer sun still pledges
    To keep warm the domestic edges

  3. Thom says:

    This beautiful image is such a still-life! It reminds me of the Dutch C17 paintings, in its colors, tones and lighting. A beautiful image.

  4. Bruce says:

    What an elegant photograph, Ellen! It feels like a Vermeer painting, with the outside light illuminating the elements in the room. Well done!

  5. Simone says:

    Beautiful silhouetted still life! Love the shape of the vase and the drapes and the balance of light and dark. Just lovely.

  6. Carolyn says:

    The darkness of the photograph exudes dramatic mystery creating a wonderfully exciting picture.
    The vase in shadow atop the dark bureau with subtle light coming through the window makes you wonder what is going to happen next. Great shot!

  7. ellen says:

    I was walking by the extra bedroom in the southern Jersey shore house we were visiting just as the early evening sun was coming through the window. I stopped in my tracks and ran for my camera! I had only a minute to make this beautiful painterly image before the light changed.

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