City Sunrise

6 Responses to “City Sunrise”

  1. Jan says:


  2. Jacqueline says:

    What a striking image! I don’t recall ever seeing anything like it.

  3. Simone says:

    Wow! This silhouetted photo is so simple and so lovely. Love the ribbons of the sunrise behind the structure. Beautiful.

  4. Carolyn says:

    I love silhouette photos against beautiful skies. This one against a colorful sunrise is so lovely.

  5. Bruce says:

    Great photograph, Ellen! In addition to the beautifully layered colors in the sky (makes me yearn for a Creamsicle!), my eye focuses on the geometry of the water towers and the adjacent railing against the sunset background. Well done!

  6. Cheryl says:

    Interesting. My first thought was of a rural sunrise due to the big sky, the fencing and the relatively low buildings. I expected a longhorn steer to arrive upon the scene at any moment. You always keep us guessing, Ellen!

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