Good Vibrations

11 Responses to “Good Vibrations”

  1. Bevy says:

    Looking at these flowers
    It is a thrill
    To realize that a still life, need not be still.

  2. ellen says:

    Haha, love it Bevy!

  3. Thom says:

    What a surprising image! It looks like you have somehow captured a group of flowers through fractured glass. Very different from your usual work, but just as clever and thought-provoking.

  4. Jan says:

    Looks to me like a superimposed shot of flowers wilting in the snow, however from the title I imagine it is motion which caused this most interesting photo.

  5. ellen says:

    No Jan, there was no motion. Just a title I liked 😉

  6. Carole says:

    Yikes, this just kicked in my vertigo!

  7. Jacqueline says:

    I don’t know how you took this photo, but it is beautiful! It looks like the flowers are dancing. Thank you, Beach Boys!

  8. Simone says:

    Love this! Almost feels dream-like to me. I can’t tell if I’m seeing the image in motion or the shadows of the flowers or both. Well done!

  9. Bruce says:

    What an engaging image you have captured here, Ellen! It looks like vibrating flowers have penetrated a body of water – but how could that be?? I love how you find these unique ways of looking at the world around us. Well done!

  10. Carolyn says:

    It is an incredibly interesting photo capturing the wonderfully rich colors of the flowers. But are we looking at them right-side up or upside down? Are there shadows or reflections? It certainly is thought provoking.

  11. ellen says:

    Thanks for your comments everyone. I love when a photograph is interesting and a bit challenging. We are looking at flowers in a vase on my glass table, reflected onto the glass with a bit of shadow due to the sunlight pouring into the room. Carole if this woke up your vertigo, imagine the position I had to get into to take the photo!

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