Oak Avenue

Wormsloe Historic Site, Savannah GA


7 Responses to “Oak Avenue”

  1. Thom says:

    Make no mistake – I really like this image, but at the same time it has an unusual, almost menacing feel about it. The trees make me feel as though they are moving! I like the framing and the angle of perspective. very interesting image!

  2. Bruce says:

    Great photo, Ellen! I like how I am drawn into the tree lined portal and my eye wants to see what is at the end of the long road. Well done!

  3. Bruce says:

    One more comment – the Southern Cities photos really took me away to another place and time. So many great images. Thanks!

  4. ellen says:

    Tom, I think everything has a different meaning based on the times we’re living in. It in no way felt menacing in person. In fact it was very inviting – a beautiful mile and a half ride. It was a cloudy day so I took the photo in black and white rather than color and I like the contrast.

  5. Jacqueline says:

    I find this photo beautiful but frightening–hands reaching out to grab you. I’m sure that’s due to the emotional climate everywhere. Nature is surely a place of respite.

  6. Bernice says:

    The trees seem somewhat menacing to me too. Maybe it is the Southern Gothic feel of the branches and uncertain leaves. I think the infinite perspective and the allee are beautiful too.

  7. Simone says:

    Beautiful and timeless! I love the arch of the trees/they’re so inviting. Well done!

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