Cow On the Moove…

Spent the weekend in Raleigh, North Carolina, where I took this and other photos. 

See the Changing Exhibition page ( for more images; all comments to the blog below. 



10 Responses to “Cow On the Moove…”

  1. Sarah says:

    I love the photo titled “Downtown”, the sunlight behind the building somehow personifies it. It is transformed into a towering, prideful structure.
    Lovely batch you’ve got here, keep it up!

  2. Jan says:

    I guess there’s more than one way to move a cow. This photo should be on the front page of their local newspaper!

  3. Bernice says:

    LOL! You’ve captured a humorous moment in a serious photograph. Wouldn’t you be surprised by a skateboarding cow rolling art your front porch?

  4. Jan M. says:

    If that cow falls off the skateboard it will be an udder disaster!

  5. Karen says:

    Don’t know what brought you to Raleigh, but you make it a very appealing place.

  6. Jan M. says:

    Very nice shots on the Changing Exhibition page.

  7. Bevy says:

    The town has an innovative idea to save money: cut out the milkman and go directly to the source!

  8. Anne says:

    Got milk?

  9. Simone says:

    Love this unique juxtaposition!

  10. Cheryl says:

    Very amoozing.

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