Birds Do It, Bees Do It…

Happy Valentines Day everyone.

9 Responses to “Birds Do It, Bees Do It…”

  1. Sam says:

    Ah, Valentine’s Day coming and love is in the air, even for horses! Great country feeling to this photograph, Ellen, and something in the image of the two horses feels like they are forming a heart! I like it.

  2. Sue says:

    Beautiful shot … spring is in the air!

  3. Bernice says:

    What an amazing shot! I don’t know how you got these 2 beasts to pose for you, but you have caught a very special narrative moment, as well as achieved a rigorously ordered composition.

  4. Simone says:

    This is lovely, amazing how you captured them mid-nuzzle.

  5. Karen says:

    Happy Valentine’s day, even in the equine kingdom. Lovely, evocative, and with a promise of spring. Thank you!

  6. Bevy says:


  7. Anne says:

    Wonderful composition in this charming photograph!

  8. Jan says:

    Great shot! Looks like they are beginning to make that heart everyone is now doing with their hands. Looks like valentines day is celebrated by all creatures, large and small.

  9. Cheryl says:

    What timing. You have the magic touch. It’s perfect for Valentine’s Day.

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