Just Another Day in New York City


6 Responses to “Just Another Day in New York City”

  1. Thom says:

    Sometimes your pictures make me laugh out loud – this is one! This has color, shape, texture, and juxtaposition. Great.

  2. Bruce says:

    I agree with Thom – a hilarious still life shot! Well done, Ellen.

  3. Simone says:

    I laughed too! Quirky and unusual (and somehow at peace with that), just like NYC. I love the size comparison of the objects and person here. Even the flower pot is dwarfed by – what is that on the right?! It’s a fantastic shot.

  4. Bernice says:

    I’d call this a WTF photo! What is it? A giant coffee bean? I notice the seated man has kicked off his flip flops. Maybe resting after delivering that humongous parcel… Weird and wonderful!

  5. Jacqueline says:

    Wow! It looks like a giant pod landed from an alien planet. That man better watch out!

  6. Eileen says:

    What a great shape – looks like a giant snail – and then those colorful flowers. Lovely.

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