Lightning Striking Again


9 Responses to “Lightning Striking Again”

  1. Bevy says:

    You captured the moment!! An electric city!!

  2. Michelle says:

    Fantastic!! That lightning bolt looks like you placed it there intentionally!

  3. Bruce says:

    Such a cool shot! What I like best here is the shading that happens around the lightning bolt across the sky, and the crystal clarity of the cityscape. Well done and thanks for taking so much time to get one beautiful photo.

  4. Anne says:

    What a cool shot! Not easy to catch.

  5. Jan M. says:


  6. Simone says:

    An amazing shot! It’s as if Nature made her own skyscraper 🙂

  7. Bernice says:

    This shot is amazing. The contrast between the lightning bolt and the electric lights in the buildings is fantastic. Hope you didn’t get soaked taking this picture!

  8. Karen says:

    Love all the vertical elements in the buildings with the intense vertical of nature in the lightening

  9. Carole says:

    Amazing shot you captured, Ellen! I can almost see Elsa Lanchester come to life!

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