Follow Me Home…

6 Responses to “Follow Me Home…”

  1. Bevy says:

    One of the fun things about a snowy winter is the trail of evidence. You captured this well- the trail the geese are leaving as they follow each other right across another trail of a solitary person headed toward a lovely tree lined home.

  2. Simone says:

    LOVE LOVE LOVE this! the line of geese with the line of footprints, the curves of the building and lines of the trees. What a shot!

  3. Bruce says:

    I like the concept of geese heading home to their big mansion after a long day! The contrast of them on the white snow is great, as well, Ellen. Thanks!

  4. Beverly says:

    Love this shot. So calm and pristine looking – as these high-class geese from this elegant neigborhood travel along as if they owned the place. Would make a beautiful post card or cover for notepaper.

  5. Bernice says:

    Who would guess that these cute critters are such a nuisance as they waddle along crossing a line of footsteps in the snow? This could be an illustration for a children’s book, there’s such narrative possibility.

  6. Tamara says:

    Beautiful! Seems as though the geese are just taking a stroll around their property. It is desolate while incredibly picturesque and the definition of Americana all in one shot!

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