Spring Break


9 Responses to “Spring Break”

  1. Jan M. says:

    I was wondering where my weekly photo was. Where was this shot?

  2. Bernice says:

    A construction site sen through or reflected in plate glass ???? Love the color prism and the wavy beams, but wish I knew what it was.

  3. Jacqueline says:

    I love the colors and shadows!

  4. Michelle says:

    I love all of the colors in this!

  5. Jan says:

    Looks like a color eclipse in the middle. Very interesting. Wish I had more time to ponder it.

  6. Anne says:

    Hard to read. Abstract. Colorful. I like it!

  7. Simone says:

    Wow interesting photo! Looking closely, I see rocks or rubble – I’m also going with reflection of a construction site. I love the shadows and the movement, as well as the color. Almost feels like a reflection in an undulating pond. Well done 🙂

  8. ellen says:

    This is actually a photograph of a work of art that was exhibited at an art fair called Spring Break (hence the title). It was transparent and on it was the shadow of another work of art that looked like rocks, and through it I could see the Times Square ball and 2017 sign. So it’s truly a mashup of elements. And like you I loved the colors, the shadows, and the movement.

  9. Bruce says:

    Hi Ellen! Just catching up on your blog posts and saw this interesting capture on your part. Totally love the mash up!Thanks!

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