The Rocket Thrower

6 Responses to “The Rocket Thrower”

  1. Jan says:

    This photo invokes many thoughts of today’s world and reminds me of Atlas, since you positioned the globe in your photo.

  2. Bruce says:

    A very powerful photo, Ellen! The perspective of the rocket thrower high above the globe adds to the dramatic impact. Well done!

  3. Simone says:

    Wow, this is awesome! As always, amazing perspective. I wonder if the people who installed these two pieces ever expected them to be seen together like this. They tell an amazing story when they’re put in the same plane. You have the best eye!

  4. Jacqueline says:

    I agree, amazing perspective! The Unisphere looks so small, those muscles so big! Time to go work out.

  5. Carolyn says:

    The Rocket Thrower was an imposing sculpture from the World’s Fair. It was one of the few photos that I actually took there so I remember it well. Of course in your photo the Unisphere in background makes the photo so much more impressive. Beautifully done as usual!

  6. ellen says:

    Thanks Carolyn. It’s truly like walking back in time when I visit the old fairgrounds. I feel as though I’m passing the child version of me with my family, waiting on the line for my favorite ride, It’s a Small World.

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