Booth’s Garden

I did a shoot last evening at Gramercy Park.  It was just before dusk and the park was empty.  You could feel the history that surrounded you. Lonely, lush, and quiet – a hidden place right in the middle of the city.

4 Responses to “Booth’s Garden”

  1. Laura says:

    Ellen, what a treat! Stealing a moment away in this City is always a great suprise!

    Keep on capturing the moments!

  2. Jane says:

    i am constantly in awe of how you find such great ways to photograph the ‘everyday’ surroundings of the city….you truly romanticize things in ways i never was able to see when i lived there….thanks!

  3. Thom says:

    Clever monochromatic visual contrast between the brooding, almost funereal figure overlooking the living trees, flowers and shrubs, and the distant but harder-edged skyscrapers with a dimly-viewed water tower in the background. Impressive image and another antique/modern moment well-captured, in a city where we still don’t look up enough !

  4. Helen says:

    This is fabulous Ellen. Quite haunting and beautiful.

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