Country Road Take Me Home

Dedicated to family, friends, and fans feeling the impact of hurricane Irma.


6 Responses to “Country Road Take Me Home”

  1. Thom says:

    Interesting framing through, I assume a car window? A nice, bucolic setting – looks like our farm when I was a child!

  2. Bevy says:

    Those poor people trying to escape hurricane Irma. Yes, Country Road Take me Home to the place I belong or at least to a place as pretty as this photo!

  3. Simone says:

    I LOVE the arch that so beautifully frames this peaceful photo – did you take this through a hole in a structure of some kind? Or through an arched window? It almost looks like a painting. Thanks for bringing us all this wonderful moment and sense of calm.

  4. Bernice says:

    Looks like you shot this through the car window, but the arch and distant view remind me of the French countryside. Wishful thinking? Of course, but the low horizon, layers of clouds, winding road and distant house fill me with dream-like longings.

  5. Bruce says:

    My first reaction was to those amazing clouds – they remind me of several Magritte paintings(Simone has the right idea!). The image is a perfect, peaceful and hopeful reminder of home.

  6. anne says:

    Bruce and I are on the page: the clouds remind me of a Rene Magritte panting. I’m looking for a black bowler or a geen apple to float by.

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