Running To Paradise


8 Responses to “Running To Paradise”

  1. Jan M. says:

    I love the black and white.

  2. Bruce says:

    What a great photo, Ellen! It has a timelessness to it, and the perspective of small children surrounded by nature and running toward the beach fills the frame with excitement and anticipation. Well done!

  3. Bevy says:

    This black and white photo and lack of current identifying images brings us back to an earlier era. It’s carefree, it’s all about being a little kid, the “when” doesn’t matter.

  4. Simone says:

    Classic and timeless and hands-down my new favorite photo of yours! I especially love how the trees dwarf the little children. It’s perfection.

  5. Karen says:

    Timeless and so evocative of childhood adventure

  6. Bernice says:

    A beautiful composition of giant trees arching over 2 tiny children running toward the sea. It has a storybook quality that makes the heart sing.

  7. ellen says:

    I was taking a photo of the pathway under the trees leading to the beach when two little boys ran into my picture. I grabbed a shot with them and only later did I see the influence of W. Eugene Smith’s famous image, The Walk To Paradise Garden.

    Art informs art.

  8. Thom says:

    The Family of Man! In color it might even be a Diane Arbus image.

    An image rife with possibilities.

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